First time 100 miles - with the storm on my back.

A new bike, a new challenge. That’s right, I’ve never driven that many miles before. The goal was to go on a visit to our friends who live on the other side of Slovenia. In a beautiful and flat region of Mura river - Prekmurje.
The route led past my wife’s parents, so we went there together for first 30 kilometers. We had a good breakfast there, drank coffee and then I set off alone.

The weather was good at the beginning, but then it got worse. Halfway through, I realized I was basically running from a storm. In front of me was somehow always one blue part of the sky.

I had a few short climbs along the way, but they were not too demanding and I did them quite easily. I continued my journey through Croatia to Rogatec. There I turned past Donacka gora to Ptuj. There we met with Ria she brought me lunch. Mmm, thanks for that.

I had to eat quickly because a big storm was brewing. I had about 50 kilometers to go. I was hoping that I would be able to get to the end dry, but unfortunately just before the end, the storm caught me and soaked me well.

Anyway, I was satisfied because this was a real challenge for me and the first 100 miles / 160 kilometers was done!
A short video made from Instagram stories: