Fuzzecl is an artistic name of two meanings. In our slovenian dialect it means "socks" but in other way, if you combine last two characters together it seems like "Fuzzed" in which state my mind was back in the days... Somehow that name has stuck with me ever since my brother-in-law introduced it in one local joke.
Talking about my early days I mostly remember hangovered mornings after "heavy" nights, which most were very interesting, often creative, especially in the way of music and skateboarding. I have to say I will never forget being creative with my friends at Bros Before Pros Production. We've made a lot of videos about longboarding, skateboarding and it was really fun making those. We also made a few official event videos for Big Mountain Skate and received quite a good feedback. (find more in my video archive).

Photo by CK photography

Big Mountain Skate KnK

Big Mountain Skate Alpenrauschen
Another thing was my band Ooral Sea, we played live shows mostly in Slovenia and also went to Germany, Slovakia & Czech Republic to play overall around 50 live concerts. We made our own debut album in 2015 and a split EP in 2016 (with Suzi Soprano). And of course I made a few music videos in this occasion.

Photo by think.feel.Shine!

Photo by Barbar Studio

Photo by think.feel.Shine!
Besides, a lot has happened in my 20's and some times things really ended Fuzzed.
After all these crazy times I settled down and started to think about my future. I am now the happiest with my wife Ria raising our son Ignac in my hometown Sentjernej in Slovenia, working full-time as a developer at Roletarstvo Medle.
While the main thing has become family, I focus mainly on two things in the rest of my free time.
Cycling and Photography

And that's what this page is all about.
Photographs and collections from my point of view and stories from cycling adventures that are just getting off to a good start. I always look for one step further and I'm getting more and more capable of "filtering" in which situations this step will benefit me the most. With cycling and photograpy I have no problem with that as it's always great new experience, even if I choose the wrong way sometimes.
Ignac Bakse